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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Background information of business and organization
Summary of significant accounting policies
Short-term investments
Real estate properties development completed and under development
Real estate properties held for lease, net
Property and equipment, net
Long-term investment
Acquisition of subsidiaries
Short-term bank loans and other debt
Long-term bank loans
Other long-term debt
Capital lease obligations
Customer deposits
Income taxes
Share-based compensation
Other payables and accrued liabilities
Related party and employee transactions
Earnings per share
Segment reporting
Commitments and contingencies
Concentration of risk
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss)/income
Non-controlling interests
Subsequent events
Condensed financial information of the Company
Accounting Policies
Summary of significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Background information of business and organization (Tables)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Tables)
Short-term investments (Tables)
Real estate properties development completed and under development (Tables)
Real estate properties held for lease, net (Tables)
Property and equipment, net (Tables)
Long-term investment (Tables)
Acquisition of subsidiaries (Tables)
Short-term bank loans and other debt (Tables)
Long-term bank loans (Tables)
Other long-term debt (Tables)
Capital lease obligations (Tables)
Customer deposits (Tables)
Income taxes (Tables)
Share-based compensation (Tables)
Other payables and accrued liabilities (Tables)
Related party and employee transactions (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Segment reporting (Tables)
Commitments and contingencies (Tables)
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss)/income (Tables)
Non-controlling interests (Tables)
Condensed financial information of the Company (Tables)
Notes Details
Background information of business and organization (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (The Company and basis of presentation and consolidation) (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Revenue is recognized and disaggregated) (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Schedule of contract balance) (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Schedule of Retained Earnings Adjustments for Adopting ASC 606) (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Schedule of Retained Earnings Adjustments for Adopting ASC 606) (Details 1)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Real estate sales and Real estate management services income and Incremental cost to obtain a contract and Income taxes) (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Estimated Useful Life) (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Interest Expense) (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Effect of change in estimate) (Details)
Short-term investments (Details)
Real estate properties development completed and under development (Details)
Real estate properties held for lease, net (Properties Held for Lease) (Details)
Real estate properties held for lease, net (Minimum Future Rental Income) (Details)
Property and equipment, net (Details)
Long-term investment (Details)
Long-term investment (Details 1)
Acquisition of subsidiaries (Fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed on Acquisition Date) (Details)
Acquisition of subsidiaries (Narrative) (Details)
Short-term bank loans and other debt (Details)
Short-term bank loans and other debt (Narrative) (Details)
Long-term bank loans (Details)
Long-term bank loans (Maturities of Long-term Debt) (Details)
Other long-term debt (Schedule of Other Long Term Debt) (Details)
Other long-term debt (Maturities of Long-term Debt) (Details)
Other long-term debt (Narrative) (Details)
Capital lease obligations (Details)
Customer deposits (Details)
Income taxes (Income Before Taxes) (Details)
Income taxes (Income Tax Expense) (Detail)
Income taxes (CIT Reconciliation) (Details)
Income taxes (Unrecognized tax benefit and LAT) (Details)
Income taxes (Deferred Tax Assets And Liabilities) (Details)
Share-based compensation (Details)
Share-based compensation (2007 Equity Incentive Plan, 2007 Long Term Incentive Plan, 2015 Long Term Incentive Plan and 2014 Restricted Stock Unit Plan) (Details)
Share-based compensation (Assumptions) (Details)
Share-based compensation (Share Option Activity - 2007 Plan and 2015 Long Term Incentive Plan) (Details)
Other payables and accrued liabilities (Details)
Related party and employee transactions (Details)
Equity (Details)
Earnings per share (Details)
Segment reporting (Details)
Segment reporting (Details Textual)
Commitments and contingencies (Details)
Concentration of risk (Details)
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss)/income (Details)
Non-controlling interests (Details)
Non-controlling interests (Narrative) (Details)
Subsequent events (Details)
Condensed financial information of the Company (Condensed Balance Sheet) (Details)
Condensed financial information of the Company (Condensed Statements of Comprehensive Income) (Details)
Condensed financial information of the Company (Condensed Statements of Cash Flows) (Details)
Condensed financial information of the Company (Details)
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